A qualification for surgery is necessary, and the extent and details of the procedure are decided by the doctor.

Blepharoplasty – is a procedure that improves the appearance and/or function of the eyelids by cutting away excess skin. It is sometimes extended to include the reduction of fatty hernias of the orbit.

Correction of droopy eyelids, known as ptosis – droopy eyelids not only cause the face to appear tired but can obscure the pupil and thus restrict vision and field of view. Depending on the degree of ptosis, shortening, displacement or shortening with displacement of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle is performed.

Entropion – eyelid folding inward – is the inversion of the edge of the lower eyelid towards the eyeball usually due to flaccidity of the eyelid ligaments and decreased tension of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Misplaced lashes injure the eye, cause pain and tearing, and recurrent inflammation can lead to corneal ulceration and degenerative changes.

Ectropion – eyelid turning outward – is an outward turning of the eyelid so that its edge protrudes from the eyeball, usually due to flaccidity of the eyelid ligaments and decreased tension of the orbicularis oculi muscle. The consequence is constant tearing, and recurrent inflammation that can lead to corneal ulceration and degenerative changes.

The ophthalmologist who qualifies the patient for the procedure, identifies the patient’s problem, chooses the surgical technique, informs them of possible complications and decides whether the procedure can be performed under local anaesthesia.

Oculoplasty is a safe outpatient procedure, but of course, as in any surgical procedure, complications cannot be ruled out. Swelling and the need to take painkillers may occur after the procedure.

Removal of minor lesions

  • chalazions
  • papillomas
  • warts
  • conjunctival cysts
  • conjunctival and eyelid nevi
  • cutaneous horns
  • atheromata
  • xanthelasmata
  • inflammatory nodules

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Ikona dekoracyjna
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