Integrated management system

Integrated Management System Policy

At the same time, the SPEKTRUM Clinical Ophthalmology Centre has had since 2005:

ISO 9001:2015 certification

ISO 9001 certification as the basis for the development, implementation and certification of a Quality Management System. We meet the system requirements that apply to the organisation by demonstrating the ability to continuously deliver a product that meets customer requirements.

ISO 14001:2015 certification

ISO 14001 certification, meeting standards for environmental management systems. We operate based on international standards and accept the consistent implementation of all elements aimed at reducing the organisation’s negative impact on the environment.

ISO 45001:2018 certification

ISO 45001 certification providing objective evidence of compliance with legal requirements, relating to occupational safety and health (OSH principles) within the company.

ISO/IED 27001:2022 certification

Clinical Ophthalmology Centre of SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o. was one of the first private centres to be certified in accordance with the latest edition of the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard. It fully meets all standards of the Information Security Management System, Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection.

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