EU projects

Funded as part of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Spektrum Sp. z o.o. is implementing the project:
“Strengthening the competitiveness and making SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o. more crisis-proof by implementing IT solutions for handling the company’s key processes”.
project objectives: to respond to the increased demand for services provided by Spektrum Sp. z o.o. by improving the customer service process through the purchase of a patient service system, a software service and the necessary fixed assets.
planned effects: Thanks to the implementation of the investment, Spektrum Sp. z o.o. will maintain its high market position, respond to the growing customer demand for services provided by Spektrum Sp. z o.o. and will allow more customers to be served, with increased security. By automating key processes at Spektrum Sp. z o.o., it will become resilient to possible random factors and increase its competitiveness against similar facilities in the region.
project value: PLN 176,921.76
contribution from the European Funds: PLN 150,383.49

Wrocław, 27.09.2022
Market research
regarding an order for the supply of software
under project POIR.06.02.00-02-0132/21
“Strengthening the competitiveness and making SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o. more crisis-proof by implementing IT solutions for handling the company’s key processes”.
>> Annex 1 to the Market Research – Tender Form

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego
Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme of the Lower Silesian Voivodship 2014-2020

In connection with the implementation of the project entitled
1. Preparation and implementation of systems at SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o.: Information Security Management in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017 standard, Environmental Management in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 standard, Health and Safety Management in accordance with the requirements of (FDIS) ISO 45001 standard.
2. Creation of standards for professional building and management of relationships with patients of the Clinic
implemented under the Regional Operational Programme of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020, Sub-measure 1.3.2 Entrepreneurship development – ZIT WrOF. We carry out a market research procedure for the provision of the service. We invite you to read the announcement and to submit your bids.
• Request for quotation No. 1/2018 dated 16.05.2018 available for download here
Information on the outcome of the request for quotation
“Increasing access to healthcare services in the field of visual dysfunctions through the purchase of medical and IT equipment for SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o. in Wrocław”
Purchase of equipment in the form of medical and IT equipment for the provision of healthcare services in the field of outpatient specialised care by the SPEKTRUM Clinical Ophthalmology Centre at ul. Zaolziańska 4 in Wrocław.
Wider opportunities for healthcare services in the form of medical and diagnostic examinations, particularly for patients with ocular complications of diabetes and for children with visual dysfunction. The implementation of the project will enable the acceleration of diagnostic procedures, their greater accessibility and the effective and faster treatment of patients already diagnosed.
PROJECT VALUE: PLN 1 439 810.00
Taking into account the fact that SPEKTUM SP. Z O.O. obtained co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund for the project entitled: “Increasing access to healthcare services in the field of visual dysfunctions through the purchase of medical and IT equipment for SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o. in Wrocław”, under Priority Axis 6 Social cohesion infrastructure, Measure No. 6.2. Investments in health infrastructure, Regional Operational Programme for the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020, we invite you to submit bids for the supply of medical equipment for the treatment and diagnosis room under project No. RPDS.06.02.00-02-0048/16.
• Request for quotation No. 6/2017 dated 29.11.2017 available for download here
Appendix No. 1 – offer form available for download here
• Questions and answers available for download here
Information on the outcome of the request for quotation
Taking into account the fact that SPEKTUM SP. Z O.O. obtained co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund for the project entitled: “Increasing access to healthcare services in the field of visual dysfunctions through the purchase of medical and IT equipment for SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o. in Wrocław”, under Priority Axis 6 Social cohesion infrastructure, Measure No. 6.2. Investments in health infrastructure, Regional Operational Programme of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020, we invite tenders for the supply of medical equipment under project No. RPDS.06.02.00-02-0048/16.
• Revision of request for quotation dated 30.11.2017 available for download here
• Revised request for quotation available for download here
and Annex No. 1 available for download here
• Request for quotation No. 5/2017 dated 31.10.2017 available for download here
• Appendix No. 1 – offer form available for download here
• Questions and answers No. 2 available for download here
• Questions and answers No. 2 available for download here
Information on the outcome of the request for quotation
Taking into account the fact that SPEKTUM SP. Z O.O. obtained co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund for the project entitled “Increasing access to healthcare services in the field of visual dysfunctions through the purchase of medical and IT equipment for SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o. in Wrocław”, under Priority Axis 6 Social cohesion infrastructure, Measure No. 6.2. Investments in health infrastructure, Regional Operational Programme of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020, we invite tenders for the supply of medical equipment under project No. RPDS.06.02.00-02-0048/16.
• Revision of request for quotation dated 30.10.2017 available for download here
• Revised request for quotation available for download here
and Appendix No. 1 available for download here
• Questions and answers No. 2 available for download here
• Questions and answers No. 2 available for download here
Information on the outcome of the request for quotation
Taking into account the fact that SPEKTUM SP. Z O.O. obtained co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund for the project entitled: “Increasing access to healthcare services in the field of visual dysfunctions through the purchase of medical and IT equipment for SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o. in Wrocław”, under Priority Axis 6 Social cohesion infrastructure, Measure No. 6.2. Investments in health infrastructure, Regional Operational Programme of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020, we invite tenders for the supply of IT equipment under project No. RPDS.06.02.00-02-0048/16.
• • Request for quotation No. 3/2017 dated 6 October 2017 available for download here
• Appendix No. 1 available for download here
Information on the outcome of the request for quotation
Taking into account the fact that SPEKTUM SP. Z O.O. obtained co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund for the project entitled: “Increasing accessibility to healthcare services in the field of visual impairment through the purchase of medical and IT equipment for SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o. in Wrocław”, under Priority Axis 6 Social cohesion infrastructure, Measure No. 6.2. Investments in health infrastructure, Regional Operational Programme of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020, we invite tenders for the production of promotional materials for the project No. RPDS.06.02.00-02-0048/16.
• Request for quotation 2/2017 dated 19.09.2017 available for download here
• Appendix No. 1 – offer form available download here
Information on the outcome of the request for quotation
Taking into account the fact that SPEKTUM SP. Z O.O. obtained co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund for the project entitled: “Increasing access to healthcare services in the field of visual dysfunctions through the purchase of medical and IT equipment for SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o. in Wrocław”, under Priority Axis 6 Social cohesion infrastructure, Measure No. 6.2. Investments in health infrastructure, Regional Operational Programme of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020, we invite you to submit bids for the provision of management services for the above-mentioned project No. RPDS.06.02.00-02-0048/16.
• Request for quotation No. 1/2017 dated 21.08.2017 available for download here
• Appendix No. 1 – offer form available for download here
Information on the outcome of the request for quotation