CREO Research and Development Centre
The CREO Research and Development Centre (CREO R&D for short) is an internally separate organisational unit of the SPEKTRUM Clinical Ophthalmology Centre.
CREO carries out scientific, research, training and promotional activities. The Centre operates based on its Rules of Procedure and cooperates with the other divisions of the OOK SPEKTRUM organisational structure.
Responsibilities of CREO include:
- implementation of research and development work aimed at developing innovative medical services, diagnostic and treatment methods and their implementation in the medical activities of OOK SPEKTRUM
- participation in clinical trials of new drugs and other pharmaceutical products as part of international multi-centre trials
- scientific and research consulting and preparation of expert opinions
- quality testing of medical devices and equipment
- design of new services
- organisation of training, courses, conferences and other forms of professional development
- preparation of scientific publications, conference presentations
- cooperation with research centres in Poland and abroad
- popularization activities related to the activities of CREO R&D

Head of the CREO Research and Development Centre at OOK SPEKTRUM:
Dr. Maria Muzyka-Woźniak, M.D., Ph.D.