Company details
Company details:
SPEKTRUM Sp. z o.o.
ul. Zaolziańska 4, 53-334 Wrocław
NIP (taxpayer ID No.): 897-16-58-338
Bank transfer details:
ING Bank Śląski S.A.
Account No.: 64 1050 1575 1000 0090 3017 2465
Share capital PLN 1,681,000, KRS No. 0000 016 751,
District Court Wrocław Fabryczna in Wrocław,
6th Commercial Division of the National Court Register,
REGON (National Business Registry No.): 932632951
Management Board of the company
President of the Management Board:
Iwona Potaczek
Management Board Office / Secretariat: 71 345 31 41
e-Puap box: /SPEKTRUMOOK/biuroesp